Noisy Offering
Every week, our children collect coins during our “Noisy Offering”. This money is used to support local and international mission projects. Examples of past donations have been to Toys for Tots, the local food...

Pineville Women’s Shelter
Located in Pineville, Kentucky, this shelter houses abused women and children. Our mission team has made multiple trips to help in renovations of the second floor of a building for the Women’s Shelter.

Hands of Mercy Food Pantry
We support the Hands of Mercy Enterprises (H.O.M.E.), a food pantry in the heart of Kingston. The food pantry is located at 147 Court Street, across from the old courthouse. We provide food donations...

Operation Christmas Child
A small shoebox can have a big impact. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out of it is eternal. Be a part of changing children’s lives all over the world...